AIBF is proud to present Folklor y Orgullo! Free and open to the public, this celebration of our organization’s 45th anniversary will be a beautiful showcase of traditional folkloric dances from the Mexican states of Aguascalientes Guerrero, Chiapas, Veracruz and more as well as dances from the countries of Ecuador, Colombia and Spain! Come and enjoy the sights and sounds of the cultural traditions of the Hispanic culture!
Folklor y Orgullo will be presented at the Wortham Center’s Cullen Theatre! This event is funded in part by the Houston Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs through the Houston Arts Alliance and is a free, ticketed event and open to the public. Contact our office for more ticket information at [email protected].
AIBF – keeping the traditional Hispanic culture alive one generation at a time since 1979. #folkloryorgullo #AIBFproud #herencia #cultura #AIBFporvida #tradition #folklorico #familia